Jacaratia digitata (Poeppig et Endl.) Solms-Laub.


Common synonyms : Carica boliviana Rusby, Carica digitata Poeppig et Endl.

Common names : Sp: chamburo, toronche (Ecuador), papaya de monte, papaya de monte espinuda, jacaratia, papaya caspi; Po: mamao brabo

Origin and geographical distribution : very humid tropical forests (100 – 900 m) of the western and southern part of the Amazon basin (Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia)

Status : Wild.

Description : Tree, height up to 20 m, conic spines on trunk and branches, propagated by seeds; compound palm-shaped leaves; dioecious, flowers white, fruit ellipsoidal, orange at maturity, 10-14 x 5-6 cm; many seeds.  

Uses : Edible fruits consumed raw

References : Badillo, 1993; Van den Eynden et al, 1999.



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